Expanding Markets with Elite White Corn Genetics: New Hybrids Provide Opportunities for High-Protein Fishmeal, 50 Percent Higher Oil, 2/3 More Starch

Category: Latest News

Field Days 2019 – Schedule Your visit!

Field Days, Latest News | June 3, 2019
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This year JFS has placed 220 white hybrids in a four-row demo and 140 yellow hybrids in a four-row demo. The demos are set up in categories of maturity, combining evaluations, specialty traits (heirloom genetics, high protein, food grade, dual-purpose), and are available for sampling in the fall. Several... 

New Product Release – X998WGT

Corn Hybrids, Latest News, New Products | November 12, 2018
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X998WGT has been tested for the last three years in replicated trials and has been found to be a very successful dual purpose hybrid. In 2016, it was evaluated by an independent source in California for silage use, and it yielded 41.78 tons / acre. It also had 95.3% starch digestibility in 12 hours... 

New Seed Conditioning Equipment at the Harlan Facility

Announcements, Latest News | October 10, 2018
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A new Almaco Seed Maizer and Seed Boss has been installed at the warehouse in Harlan, Iowa to help facilitate the significant increase of new inbreds, and strip plot quantities of new white and yellow hybrids. In addition, a new dust collection system has been implemented along with 2 heat units in... 

New Cooperative Breeding Effort for JFS and Associates, LTD.

Announcements, Latest News | April 20, 2018
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JFS and Associates, LTD. has expanded its breeding efforts by implementing agreements with breeders in Argentina, Mexico, Turkey, and South Africa. This effort broadens the opportunities in both white and yellow hybrids in terms of maturity range, overall health, and specific niche markets. Several new... 

Data Management Receives Significant Improvement

Announcements, Latest News | December 20, 2017
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The Business Manager, Vicki Strissel, has implemented a new data organizational system that involves tracking inbred and hybrid development along with inventory updates and movement. International shipping is now also playing an important role, so regulations for different countries have to be monitored.... 

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